This petition serves as a catalyst for change, aiming to address systemic flaws and improve the democratic process for All Residents of the Territory of Long Island as we return to a Republic form of State Government that better represents our values, our culture, and our economic well-being. We no longer have proper representation due to the One-Party Rule and Corrupted Political System Run by the Permanent Majority Democrat State Legislature and Hostile and Tyrannical Governorship of NY State which choses to ignore the grievances and the will of the People of the Long Island Territory and as a result the Residents of Long Island Territory no longer give their consent to be governed by NY State and we chose by a majority consent to be Governed by the Newly formed Long Island State Government.
Consider the disillusionment and frustration felt by the majority of Long Islanders towards the New York State governing and political system, characterized by corruption, partisan gridlock, and lack of accountability. These issues erode trust in government and undermine the principles of democracy and the Republic itself. The New York State Government has lost the trust of the people of the Long Island Territory. Approx 3 Million people live within this territory and with this petition begins the process of Long Island Statehood which will free Long Islanders from the Tyrannical Body Politic of Democrat One Party Majority Rule which is not representative of the Body Politic of the inhabitants of Long Island.
By engaging in this petition, you're advocating for reforms that promote transparency, fairness, and representation in our political institutions. Your participation signifies a commitment to reshaping the political landscape and ensuring that the voices of those US citizens and Inhabitants that reside on the Long Island Territory are heard and valued by a State Government that not only shares their values, culture, economy, and environmental policies, but will actually act responsibly to protect them from the hostile and tyrannical policies enacted and enforced against the will of the people of Long Island territory by the NY State Legislature and NY State Governor.
Let's come together to demand Statehood for the Long Island Territory, which will lead to dramatic but necessary electoral reform, campaign finance reform, and other measures that empower voters and reduce the influence of special interests. Your involvement in this petition for Long Island Statehood is a crucial step toward creating a more responsive and inclusive State Legislature and Governor.
Join us in the fight for a political, cultural, and economic system that truly serves the interests of the people of Long Island which has left Long Islanders no other choice other than to become the 51st State of the USA in order for our values, culture, economy, and environment to survive the attack by the hostile territory of NY State. NY State has forfeited the Right and The Consent to Govern those who inhabit the territory of Long Island, We, the Inhabitants of the Territory of Long Island, give our consent to being Governed by the newly formed State Government of Long Island.